ONLY $28 -> $25 per week
No Contract
No Admin fee
No Membership Fee
1 Day pass $20
1 Week pass(Including Key) $62
1 Month pass(Including Key) $125
All casual passes have to be paid in advance.
Upfront Membership
3 Months $275
6 Months $499
9 Months $690
12 Months $850
Upfront Membership includes the key price.
Upfront Membership is non-refundable and has to be paid all at once in advance.
You can not pause for this membership, upfront membership will end up as it contract.

To cancel your direct debit membership at 101 fitness, please contact us directly:
Phone: 0497 560 077
Email: 101fitness.aus@gmail.com
Please note: 4 weeks cancellation period applies to terminating your membership.
Within this time, you may receive a final bill.
You are welcome to continue to use the gym until your 4 week cancellation period expires.
If you want to pause your membership, $5 of processing fee will be charged per month.
Please contact our gym, if you have any questions regarding memberships or cancellations: 101fitness.aus@gmail.com